
How Much To Charge For Homemade Bundt Cake

The Fresh Loaf

A Customs of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Pricing Bundt Cakes, Cake by the Slice, Brownies and Barsm & Cookies for Farmers Markets

sshipper's picture

Pricing Bundt Cakes, Cake past the Slice, Brownies and Barsm & Cookies for Farmers Markets

Hi Friends,

I have recently had a thorough cost analysis of my recipes as a Habitation based Bakery done for Farmer's Marketplace and am amazed at what I will need to charge to make anything...(around $twenty an hour.) I am buying most of my bulk products wholesale at Costco

At doubling the cost of the recipe I volition only replace the ingredients.  At triple the cost I begin to brand something.  I am sure many of yous know almost this.

I am in the  Raleigh/Durham area and I am asking for honest feedback from home-based bakers what I tin charge for large brownies.  My costs say $5.00.

A piece of Bundt cake (8 large pieces to a cake,) would as well be $5.  My cookies would need to exist near $2.00.

I see people at Farmers Markets with dainty operations charging about $1.fifty a cookie and $4.00 for a large bar cookie.  How are these people making annihilation?

Your thoughts and honest feedback are appreciated.  I accept read the skilful books on starting a home-based baking business and accept done everything suggested to brand this a success.



grind's picture


I won't make a product unless

I won't make a product unless I can multiply by five and sell information technology for that price.  This might sound greedy, but at the stop of the year, it's non nearly greedy enough.  The new client(s) does not heed paying a little more for a improve product that is hand fabricated past the person selling information technology to her.

I see people at Farmers Markets with nice operations charging about $1.50 a cookie and $four.00 for a large bar cookie.  How are these people making anything?

Could be different this year at the farmers' markets.  Everything has gone upwards in cost.  Should exist an interesting summer.

Another affair, I try to come up with products that are less expensive to brand than how they wait.

Also, playing effectually with portions helps a little.  If you can squeeze out an extra cookie of two from a batch without whatsoever noticeable difference, then the overall food price for each cookie drops, and all of a sudden, you're making some coin.

Ane affair that iritates me about baking is that we brand our money in pennies saved, not dollars earned.

All the all-time to y'all this summer.

One more than affair, the thing with costing is that you lot can await to make more than y'all should on some items and less than you should on items.  I brand some apparently focaccia that fetches me $four/.  It'due south mostly profit.  Other stuff, less turn a profit.  Y'all go the idea.  That's the balance.

melinda-dawn's picture


Currious too

I am also currious nigh this. I've done the calculations and could make and sell bagels for a good cost. But I'yard also curious about the ethics/eticit of using a recipe you learn from a book/web or some other source as the base for a product to be sold.

I've had people offering to purchase my bagels, breads, and cakes but I hold back because, I'm just non sure if it's right to sell something made from a recipe I learned out of a cookbook or off the web.

So what say all the well seasoned folks out there, what is the eticit/ethics of recipes and selling baked goods.

mimifix's picture


recipe use

You may use whatsoever recipe to produce and sell a product. There are no restrictions. To repeat, yous may bake and sell any recipe regardless of the source. Many businesses, for example, use the original Toll House cookie recipe and each business has differing product results. Your unique baking ability is what differentiates your product from another business' product.

You might be confusing recipe use with copyright problems. Withal, copyright just pertains to the written directions in a recipe. (An ingredient list itself cannot exist coyrighted.)

I've been in the nutrient industry more than 30 years, starting from my licensed dwelling house kitchen. I later owned a baker and buffet for many years and so worked R&D in different corporate kitchens. I have a masters in Food Studies, wrote two business blistering books, and teach in my regional community colleges. Please trust that I am a relaible source for the reply to your question.

Best, Mimi

BakerBen's picture


Production costs - more than than just ingredients


Non to be negative merely yous don't don't encounter a lot of rich bakers - specially small volume ones.  I am also interested in a baking business.  I idea wholesaling might exist away non to have the expense of a brick-and-motar place, but you run into the merchant you sell to wants to make 100% problem (e.thou. you sell your brownie to the merchant for $2.50 and the merchant sells it for $5.00).  At the volume I was willing, or able, to produce this just did not brand sense - no money for me.

The advice that was given about having a skilful production mix from a profit margin perspective is very adept communication.  It is the sell from each item that results in your final income and ultimately your profit. I would also try to really focus on "differiation" - that is, don't just offer "another" brownie unless yous actually experience there is something worthwhile about your recipe.

I am interested in the statement you made that "I am purchasing wholesale from Costco" - what does that mean?  Are yous ownership through in that location online outlet where y'all demand a revenue enhancement-id?  Or, are you lot buying through the local stores?  If it is the subsequently, then possiblly yous tin can reduce your toll if yous really tin buy wholesale.

You lot as well need to count the time and gas you spend at the farmer's market every bit office ov your cost of production.  If you can figure out how to brand $20/60 minutes I would like to get your secret - I know people can make a living but information technology is hard.  Delight don't take my comments/questions negatively - I am right there with you trying to figure out how to practise this thing I love and make some coin at it too.

Expert luck,


P.southward I am likewise in the RTP expanse - Raleigh

grind's picture


So what say all the well

So what say all the well seasoned folks out in that location, what is the eticit/ethics of recipes and selling baked goods.

I think if it's out there, everything is permitted.

Yumarama's picture


If it'due south published for people to employ

You've got the OK to use it. I've never seen or heard of a recipe that limits the number of times or servings y'all're allowed to make from it. So if y'all make one serving or 500, the recipe is still the recipe, it'due south had nothing diminished from it. I can't meet how information technology could be an consequence.

And besides, chances are pretty darn adept that if you lot're making a domicile recipe into a larger, bulk sized one, you lot will no longer exist following the recipe to the letter anyway so it's now your own adaptation. Similar irresolute the quantities (a lot) or how you handle a 10 kilo of dough vs the 2lb in the original... You lot're no longer doing the "original" anyway.

They're telling people to please, go alee and make this recipe; I tin can't run into any ethical issue here.

Withal unsure? Then attribute the original author on the label, which you're definitely immune to do:

Stephanies' Nigh Crawly
Whole Wheat Baguette

(inspired by a Jim Smith recipe)

Now the original writer gets a little credit, you can bake with a clear censor and people get a very tasty loaf of bread. It's win-win-win.


EDIT: Actually, perhaps not. If Jim Smith's publishers find out you're using his proper noun on your bread, they may get ticked you're using his brand name to advertise your own bread and demand a large cut of your sales.

Just brand the bread, it'southward your own, adapted recipe anyway.

mimifix's picture


making money in a habitation-based food business concern

Hi Stephanie,

There are two things missing from this chat well-nigh making money in this kind of a concern. First, is the effect of volume. For example, it rarely pays to make 1 cake. But double or triple your volume, which only adds a short amount of production time, ways you can sell iii products instead of just 1. And then you havet tripled your earning power. Or if y'all make one bundt cake at a time you'll be wasting energy by repeating the steps when you lot can be producing three or 4 bundts at once.

Second, you lot are very new to this business and yous need to give yourself time to learn how it all works. Right now you are driving yourself crazy! Really, you lot'll find cheaper sources for some ingredients, larn shortcuts for producing some of your products, learn which products sell better, and which venues or outlets are the most lucrative.

Some people get into this business with niggling preparation and encounter serious bug. Y'all're conspicuously not similar that, so proficient for you. Y'all do your research and you're a fast learner. Now you need to relax a trivial most the adjacent few steps.(We're a lot alike!) Eventually you will earn coin.

I hope all is well...Mimi

mimifix's picture


Excellent ideas

Marslizard has some excellent business tips. It'due south definitely important to fill your oven to capacity with each bake. And customers will buy smaller products much faster than large ones. (Post a sign that larger items can be ordered in advance.)

The current trend for farmers markets' is growing. Several years agone these markets were generally in the summer but now many are opening indoors, year circular. That means many more sales opportunities.

How Much To Charge For Homemade Bundt Cake,


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